Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Crappy New Year!

I have not yet received this year's National Instruments calendar. So I came up with a solution.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another geek test...

After checking what's new with Alis's blog, I ended up in this geek test...

+ Geekish Tendencies................................≥09%
++ Geek.............................................≥15%
+++ Total Geek......................................≥25%
++++ Major Geek.....................................≥35%
+++++ Super Geek....................................≥45%
++++++ Extreme Geek.................................≥55%
+++++++ Geek God....................................≥65%
+++++++! Dysfunctional Geek.........................≥75%

My rank: 26.23274%

total geek

My previous geek test results...